All about little old me

My photo
Ilminster, Somerset, United Kingdom
43 years old, one wonderful daughter and husband. I love craft, card making, scrapbooking, jewellery making, altered art. I been crafting for about 8 years or so and moving house 6 years ago allowed me the space of my own craftroom. (Much to the annoyance of my husband!)

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Thursday, 10 September 2009

I grew these from seed...........

Livingstone daisies.

Check these babies out! I grew these from seed and they flowered today in the beautiful bright sunshine, don't you just love it. They remind me of being a small child in my Nan's back garden playing with the garden ornaments and my dolls house which my grandparents had built and furnished for me. Ah happy happy memories.


  1. Wow these flowers are just stunning. The colour...simply beautiful. I am not looking forward to winter starting, as you do not get to see this beauty. This may inspire me to do a card in these colours. Thank-you so much for sharing. Can you come plant these in my garden?

  2. Aaaahhhh... So beautiful, I so wish I could be green fingered!



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