All about little old me

My photo
Ilminster, Somerset, United Kingdom
43 years old, one wonderful daughter and husband. I love craft, card making, scrapbooking, jewellery making, altered art. I been crafting for about 8 years or so and moving house 6 years ago allowed me the space of my own craftroom. (Much to the annoyance of my husband!)

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Sunday, 23 August 2009

Some odd cards just for something to do

I purchased some more templates and here's what I've made with them, quite simple with a little different from my usual stuff. The chair card was a real pain to get it to look like it has some dimension but I think it looks ok, please let me know what you think.

1 comment:

  1. I think these are really fun, love the stitching on the armchair. I like the way you've curled the cushions to add dimension - really works




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